Engelsman Magabane Incorporated

Electronic Signatures

Engelsman Magabane Incorporated Blog Graphics Electronic Signatures
Legal Compliance, Legal Updates, Technology

Demystifying Electronic Signatures: A South African Perspective

In today’s digital age, conducting business electronically is not only convenient but often the preferred method. This shift necessitates a clear understanding of how electronic agreements hold weight in the eyes of the law. South Africa’s Electronic Communications and Transactions Act (Act 25 of 2002) (“the Act”) plays a crucial role in defining electronic signatures and their validity.

Engelsman Magabane Incorporated Blog Electronic Signatures for Drafting Agreements
Court Rulings, Drafting Agreements, Legal Compliance

Signed, Sealed, Delivered… Electronically? The Impact of E-Signatures on Agreements in South Africa

For many, the image of a legally binding agreement still conjures up a document with a wet ink signature. However, South Africa’s legal landscape is embracing the digital age, and electronic signatures (e-signatures) are now a recognized and secure way to validate agreements. At Engelsman Magabane Incorporated, we want to ensure our clients understand this evolving legal landscape and its implications for drafting agreements.

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