Engelsman Magabane Incorporated

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Engelsman Magabane Incorporated Blog Graphics Electronic Signatures
Legal Compliance, Legal Updates, Technology

Demystifying Electronic Signatures: A South African Perspective

In today’s digital age, conducting business electronically is not only convenient but often the preferred method. This shift necessitates a clear understanding of how electronic agreements hold weight in the eyes of the law. South Africa’s Electronic Communications and Transactions Act (Act 25 of 2002) (“the Act”) plays a crucial role in defining electronic signatures and their validity.

Engelsman Magabane Incorporated Blog Graphics Standard Bank
Banking and Finance Law, Debt Management, Insolvency, Legal Updates

Standard Bank Loses Home Loan Case: A Reminder on Bonds and Prescription for Engelsman Magabane Incorporated

Engelsman Magabane Incorporated brings to your attention a recent case heard by the Pretoria High Court which offers valuable insights for both lenders and borrowers. The case involved Standard Bank suing two sureties, Aubrey Schneider and Stephen Zagey, for an outstanding home loan balance.

Engelsman Magabane Incorporated Blog Blended Families Estate Planning
Estate Planning, Legal Updates, Wills

Blended Families: New Considerations for Estate Planning in South Africa

Blended families, formed through second marriages or partnerships, bring immense joy but also unique estate planning challenges. Recent court rulings in South Africa highlight the importance of revising your estate plan to ensure fair and clear distribution of assets, especially when stepchildren are involved. Engelsman Magabane Incorporated can help you navigate these complexities and create a plan that reflects your wishes for your blended family.

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