Engelsman Magabane Incorporated

Business Law

Engelsman Magabane Incorporated Blog Graphics Liquidation
Business Law, Business Transactions, Commercial Law, Financial Planning, Insolvency, Liquidation

When the Company Folds: Prioritizing Employees in Liquidation Proceedings

The closure of a company through liquidation can be a stressful time for everyone involved. However, recent legal developments in South Africa emphasize protecting a particularly vulnerable group: the company’s employees. Engelsman Magabane Incorporated explains the growing focus on prioritizing employee claims during liquidation proceedings.

Engelsman Magabane Incorporated Blog Business Rescue
Business Law, Business Rescue, Commercial Law, Liquidation

Facing Financial Distress? Business Rescue vs. Liquidation: Choosing the Right Path

When a business encounters financial difficulties, navigating the path forward can be overwhelming. South Africa offers two primary options for insolvent companies: Business Rescue and Liquidation. At Engelsman Magabane Incorporated, we understand the complexities of both processes and can help you choose the most suitable course of action for your company.

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